Tides of Tadoussac.com Marées de Tadoussac
Images of the 1950's
Many of these photos come from our family slides, taken by Lewis Evans, as well as contributions from other family albums. Many picnics and boat trips, that's when photos were taken! These people you may know!
Plusieurs de ces photos proviennent de nos lames de famille, prises par Lewis Evans, ainsi que des contributions d'autres albums de famille. Pique-niques et des excursions en bateau beaucoup, c'est là que les photos ont été prises! Ces personnes que vous connaissez peut-être!

In our family the 50's started with a new (old) boat. The Noroua (below) which Dad had bought as a bachelor in the 30's was not a family boat, so he sold it and found this Lower St Lawrence Yawl, probably built about 1900. In the photo above are probably Lew and Anne (bottom right) and Capt Dallaire telling stories.
Dans notre famille, les années 50 ont commencé avec un nouveau (vieux) bateau. Le Noroua (ci-dessous) qui papa avait acheté en tant que célibataire dans les années 30 n'était pas un bateau de famille, donc il l'a vendu et il a trouvé ce Bas-St-Laurent Yole, probablement construit vers 1900. Sur la photo ci-dessus sont probablement Lew et Anne (en bas à droite ) et Capt Dallaire raconter des histoires.

July 1951
The two boats were together in Tadoussac briefly, and then Dad took the Noroua up river to the buyer in Ottawa. His crew included John Price, our cousin and frequent visitor to Tadoussac.
Les deux bateaux étaient ensemble à Tadoussac brièvement, puis papa a pris la Noroua sur le St-Laurent à l'acheteur, à Ottawa. Son équipage comprenait John Price, notre cousin et visiteur fréquent à Tadoussac.

Above, Anne, Lewis, and Tom (that's me!), and our mother Betty Evans.
At right, Doris Molson.
Below, Ernie and Phoebe Skutezky.

Guy Smith and the Hobo
Below, anchored up the Saguenay with the Bonne Chance, dumping water out of a nor-shore canoe on the deck.
Ci-dessous, ancré sur le Saguenay avec la Bonne Chance, vider l'eau d'un canot sur le pont.

Horse-drawn picnic at Moulin Baude, Russell Dewart, Elizabeth O'Neill, Ann Dewart and their kids
Pique-nique tiré par un cheval au Moulin Baude, Russell Dewart, Elizabeth O'Neill, Ann Dewart et leurs enfants

Left, Hector Gauthier, Lewis and Anne, and the Parker Brothers, and Marcel.
Below right John and Jean Aylan-Parker and the boys, Ted, Ron and Jim.
Below left Mary Wallace talking to Hector Gauthier, Bishop Lennox Williams.

In the hotel pool
Teddy Parker, Michael Reilly, Teddy Dewart

Seeing people off on the CSL boat.
Aylan-Parker family on the left.
Dire au revoir aux gens sur le bateau de CSL. Famille Aylan-Parker sur la gauche.

The Dewart family

Tom (with the girls) Cathy O'Neill, ?, Beth and Judy Dewart, Cathy and Bar Campbell
Tom avec les filles!

Need some help with names!
Kids are Susie Scott, Aiden O'Neill, Bobby Scott, Cathy and Patrick O'Neill.
Grace Scott on the right, beside her is Elizabeth O'Neill.
Lilybell Rhodes at Spruce Cliff

On the Bonne Chance
Left, Michael Leggat with Tom and Alan Evans
Below John and Robbie Leggat with Lewis Evans
and Mum (Betty Evans) on the right

Nan and Bob Leggat

Picnics at the Flat Rocks
From left (best guesses)
Jean Parker, me?, Betty Evans, ???, Ainslie Stephen with her kids, Anne Evans, three Parker boys at the back, Bob and Nan Leggat with ?, Anita was a babysitter with ?

Sally Price, Anne Evans, Margie Stephen
Bill Stephen
Lewis Evans
Robbie Leggat
John Leggat
John Turcot

Anne and John Price on the Bonne Chance
Tom, and Alan>>

The end of the season, Hobo entering the drydock. Probably Armand Imbeau sitting on the gate, and Smith girls and others watching from the rocks. Below seeing people off on the CSL boat.
La fin de la saison, Hobo entre la cale sèche. Probablement Armand Imbeau assis sur la porte, et les filles Smith et d'autres regarder le spectacle . Ci-dessous, dire au revoir aux gens sur le bateau de CSL.

This video was taken by Jack Wallace in about 1962 at the Tadoussac Tennis Club, thanks to Mike Leggat for sharing and getting me to watch it! There's hours and hours...
Faces I saw
David Turcot
John Leggat
Robbie Leggat
Deborah Wallace Armitage
Judy Stairs
John Turcot
Judith Dewart Stinson
Beth Dewart
Marg Wallace
Sue Stairs
Barbara Campbell
Nan Leggat
John Price
Teddy Aylan-Parker
Mary Wallace
and at the end
Will Leggat and Catherine Williams(isn't she cute)!