Tides of Tadoussac.com Marées de Tadoussac
Canoes, Punts, Rowboats
Canots, Punts, Chaloupes
Birchbark Canoe 1910
Canot d'écorce 1910

Godfrey, Lily, and Catherine Rhodes Plage Tadoussac Beach 1901
Godfrey Rhodes, Minnie (Rhodes) Morewood, Dorothy (Dorsh) Rhodes (Evans), ?, Billy Morewood, Carrie Rhodes (Morewood) 1901
Nancy Morewood, Catherine Rhodes (Tudor-Hart), Frank E Morewood
K Ewart holding on tight
K Ewart tenant serré
Dean Lewis Evans et Marjorique pêchent près du Lark Reef 1910
Dean Lewis Evans and Marjorique fishing near Lark Reef, 1910

The "WHITE BOAT" circa 1910 at the Marguerite
Dressed all in white and pulling the boat to the shore of the Saguenay, 1917
Tout de blanc vêtu et en tirant le bateau à la rive de la rivière Saguenay, 1917

Nan (Rhodes) and Lennox Williams
Lily and Frances Rhodes
Mary Williams (Wallace)
in the "White Boat"

Pte a la Croix

Lennox Williams
Sydney Williams
Adele Languedoc
Mary Williams (Wallace)
Lily Rhodes
Nan (Rhodes) Williams

Marjorie Gagnon helped my father, Lewis Evans with his model of a Lower St Lawrence Yawl, about 1918.
In 1951 Lewis Evans bought a very old yawl and restored it, the "Bonne Chance" shown at right in a painting by Tom Roberts.
Majorque Gagnon a aidé mon père, Lewis Evans avec son modèle d'un Yole Bas-St Laurent , vers 1918.
En 1951, Lewis Evans a acheté un yole très vieux et le restaura, le "Bonne Chance" illustré à droite dans un tableau de Tom Roberts.

Lewis Evans & Harry Dawson
Baude River above the dam
Jean Alexander (Aylan-Parker) and Jim Alexander
Bill Morewood, ?, Jack Wallace


Bill and Frank E Morewood
Ainslie Evans (Stephen)
Betty Morewood (Evans)
Phoebe Evans (Skutezky)

Robin and Doris Molson

Jack, Verity and Robin Molson


Susan Williams (Webster), ?, Joan Williams (Ballantyne), Jim Williams, ??

Joan Williams (Ballantyne), ??

Harry Morewood, Jimmy Williams, Simon Wallace (friend),
Joan Williams (Ballantyne), Frank Morewood,
Susan Williams (Webster), Jennifer and Delia Tudor-Hart, Bobby Morewood

Jimmy Williams, Susan Williams (Webster) 1942
Sheila Williams (Campbell), Penny Smith (Younger) 1942

Alan Finldey, Betty, Anne and Lewis Evans, and dog Smitty in the punt! No Life Jackets 1950

Alan Finldey, Betty, Anne and Lewis Evans, et le chien Smitty dans le punt! Pas de gilets de sauvetage 1950
Jim and Ted Aylan-Parker
Jean (Alexander) Aylan-Parker 1955
? & Willie Leggatt 1964