Tides of Tadoussac.com Marées de Tadoussac
Godfrey Rhodes 1850-1932
& Lily Jamison 1859-1939​
Godfrey Rhodes is the second oldest of 9 children of Col William Rhodes and Anne Catherine Dunn.
Godfrey married Lily Jamison, and they had one daughter Catherine Rhodes, who married Percival Tudor-Hart, an artist.
Godfrey bought the estate Cataraquai in Sillery, Quebec City, in the early 1900's, located next door to his family home at Benmore. The story is that the estate was being auctioned by a friend of the family, and Godfrey had no plans to buy the place but placed a bid just to keep the bidding going. The family lived there until Catherine's death in 1972 (they had no children). It is now owned by the Quebec government.
​Catherine and PTH (as he was known) also built a summer house in Tadoussac in the early 1900's, still known as the Tudor-Hart house.
Godfrey Rhodes est la deuxième plus ancien des neuf enfants de Col William Rhodes et Anne Catherine Dunn.
Godfrey épousé Lily Jamison, et ils ont eu une fille Catherine Rhodes, qui a épousé Percival Tudor-Hart, un artiste.
Godfrey achète le domaine Cataraquai à Sillery, Québec, dans le début des années 1900, situé à côté de sa maison familiale à Benmore. L'histoire, c'est que la propriété a été mis aux enchères par un ami de la famille, et Godfrey n'avait pas l'intention d'acheter, mais placé une enchère juste pour garder l'appel d'offres en cours. La famille y vécut jusqu'à la mort de Catherine en 1972 (ils n'avaient pas d'enfants). Il est maintenant la propriété du gouvernement du Québec.
(les photos nécessaires!)
Catherine et la PTH (comme il était connu) également construits une maison d'été à Tadoussac dans le début des années 1900, encore connu sous le nom de la maison Tudor-Hart.

Godfrey is on the left, age about 5 circa 1855

circa 1893 on the beach - the Mums with 6 little girls! Nan Williams (Mary3 and Gertrude2), Minnie Morewood (Nancy5 and Billy2), Totie Rhodes (hat) (Lily4), Lily Rhodes (Catherine5)​​​​​​​

circa 1894 Godfrey on the left, then Nan Williams, Lily center, Hem and Lennox Williams top right
back - Mrs Frank Jamison, Minnie Rhodes Morewood​
middle - Mrs Jamison (Lily's mother), Carrie (Nan) Rhodes Williams, Granny Anne Dunn Rhodes​
and Lily Jamison Rhodes in front

circa 1893 Rhodes family - Godfrey back row with hat, Lily back row second from right

Godfrey and M. Poitras with game
circa 1895 Godfrey and John Morewood on the steps of the Poitras house​​​​​​​​​​

1898 - Godfrey, his wife Lily and daughter Catherine (age about 10) on the Tadoussac beach​​​

early 1900's - from left - Minnie Rhodes Morewood and Lily (sisters-in-law), Armitage with stick.​
​bottom right - Carrie Rhodes (my grandmother) and Catherine Rhodes (age about 20)​​
circa 1908 - Lily Jamison Rhodes and her daughter Catherine Rhodes (~20)​

1910 - Catherine, Godfrey, Lily in Europe
circa 1910 - Harriet Ross, Dorothy Rhodes Evans, Catherine Rhodes and Godfrey
Drawing of Godfrey by Catherine