Tides of Tadoussac.com Marées de Tadoussac
William Rhodes 1851-1921
& Caroline Hibler 1848-1929
William Rhodes is the third oldest of 9 children of Col William Rhodes and Anne Catherine Dunn.
Their daughter is Carrie Rhodes, my grandmother. She married Frank Morewood, their children are Betty Evans (my mother, 1922-1993) and Bill Morewood (his family live in New Jersey).​​​


Carrie was born in 1881 so this is about 1887, Carrie and her father​​​​

This group photo (early 1890's) is on the Col. Rhodes/Anne Dunn page
William isn't in it, but he was there that day, and had his picture taken below! He was probably the photographer. That's his daughter Carrie (right side) and just to her left, her future husband Frank Morewood (first cousins!).​
In the photo below William is missing his right arm-the story goes that he went to Australia on business, and wasn't heard from for a year, much to the concern of his family...he had lost his arm in an accident and didn't write home until he could write with his left!​

Carrie and her mother Caroline on the porch at Benmore about 1893, with sister-in-law Minnie Rhodes Morewood, and Isobel (Billy)and probably Frank.

Caroline and William Rhodes and their daughter Carrie - William liked to have his picture taken from his left side so his missing arm wasn't visible.