Tides of Tadoussac.com Marées de Tadoussac
William Rhodes lived in England, and served in the War of 1812 for the British in Quebec

William's brother Godfrey lived in England and served in the Crimean war in the 1850's.
His son William Rhodes was posted by the British Army to Quebec in the 1840's and from then on he lived in Quebec and Tadoussac.

Dean Lewis Evans, my grandfather.

Trevor Evans, son of Lewis Evans

Isobel (Billy) Morewood, Frank's sister
Frank Morewood, my other grandfather

Carrie Rhodes, my grandmother, who married Frank Morewood after the war

Frank Morewood's Application for Discharge, has a lot of information.
Lived in Rosemont, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia
Born in Quebec, July 8, 1886
Appointed 2nd Lt F.A. June 1, 1918
Assigned to Field Artillery and a Balloon Company
Stationed in South Carolina, New Jersey and Massachusetts
Engagement "Meuse Argonne" from Wikipedia:
The Meuse–Argonne offensive was a major part of the final Allied offensive of World War I that stretched along the entire Western Front. It was fought from September 26, 1918, until the Armistice of November 11, 1918, a total of 47 days. The Meuse–Argonne offensive was the largest in United States military history, involving 1.2 million American soldiers. It is the second deadliest battle in American history, resulting in over 350,000 casualties.
Served overseas from June 18/18 until July 5/19
Discharged July 24/19, 0 per cent disabled on discharge
Enl Serv means Enlisted Service

Bobby Morewood, brother
Nan (Rhodes) and Lennox Williams had 4 children. Jim married Evelyn in 1916, Mary who married Jack Wallace, Gertrude who married Ron Alexander, and Sydney who was probably too young to go overseas.
Jim Williams and his wife Evelyn Meredith in Europe
More about him on this site

General Ronald Alexander, brother-in-law of Jim Williams, with his daughter Jean Alexander (Aylan-Parker)

Sydney Williams at Brynhyfryd, with Dorothy Rhodes (Evans), Rachel Webb (Stairs), his sister Gertrude Alexander, and in front cousin Lily Rhodes

Jack Wallace and a friend in 1915

below, WW1 warships in Tadoussac Bay

Three related couples who were married in the late 1930's. Jean Alexander married John Aylan-Parker (below). Her brother Jim Alexander married Barbara Hampson (right) and Jim's buddy Ted Price married Mary Hampson. READ the letter lower on this page that mentions all these people.

George Stairs
at right on the Noroua in Tadoussac Bay, with his brother Colin and Lewis Evans

Trevor Evans

Lionel O'Neill

Bob and Nan (Wallace) Leggat

This is a very interesting letter written in 1939 by Lily Rhodes to her first cousin Carrie (Rhodes) Morewood. With our Tadoussac connections it's amazing that 80+ years later almost all the names are people whose descendants are still in contact.
Of course the three newlywed couples were heading to Europe where WW2 had already begun.

Lilybell Rhodes (50) grew up at Spencer Grange, a large house that still exists in Quebec City, and at this time probably lived at Bagatelle (below), although the address has been changed from the one on the letter.
Carrie Morewood (58) (my grandmother) is living in Pennsylvania, with her husband Frank and their two children Betty (my mother) and Bill.

<< Frances and Lilybell Rhodes
The first paragraph might refer to the estate of Lily (Jamison) Rhodes, who is the only relative who died in 1939, she was wife of Godfrey who died in 1932.
Frankie (5) is Frank Morewood, who currently lives in Oakville and has done extensive research on the Rhodes and Morewood families. I don't have a photo of him at 5, but below is Margaret and Bobby Morewood, his parents, flanking Sidney Williams, and Frank and Harry.

Above, the Claridge on Grande Allee in Quebec City.
left Mary and Ted at her sister Barbara Hampson's wedding
Lily has been to the wedding of her cousin Jean Alexander to John Aylan-Parker (left), and much of the letter is about who she saw there. Amazing how many people have descendants who know each other today in Tadoussac.
Quick review:
Ted Price married Mary Hampson, sister of Barbara Hampson, who married Ted's friend Jim Alexander, whose sister Jean Alexander married John Aylan-Parker. Got it?
right Jim, Ronald and Jean Alexander, in the famous white boat!
below Many of the people mentioned in the letter
Gertrude (Williams) Alexander, Lilybell Rhodes who wrote the letter, Jean and John Aylan-Parker, Joan Williams (Ballantyne), Nan (Wallace) Leggat, Mary (Williams) Wallace, Bishop Lennox Williams

above Jean Alexander and Barbara Hampson, who married her brother Jim Alexander.
<< Need the newspaper clipping and photos!

Jack Wallace, Jim and Jean Alexander, Nan Wallace (Leggat), Michael Wallace, Joan, Susan and Jim Williams

right, Frank Morewood building the house on property he doesn't own yet! In fact, the house was built in 1936, and this letter is written 3 years later in 1939!
below, Frank and Carrie Morewood, to whom the letter was written (my grandparents!)

left, Barbara Hampson and Jim Alexander
below, back row, Billy Morewood, Ainslie (hiding), Billy Morewood, Jean Alexander and Betty Morewood
front row not sure the boys, probably Jim Williams is the young one, and Joan and Susan Williams

right May Dawson, below Emily Evans and her daughter-in-law Betty (Morewood) Evans
235 St. Louis Road
November 24, 1939
Dear Carrie
Thank you for yours of the 19th. Something has cashed the check for $308 from mother's account so I imagine the trust co. in Philadelphia must have the money. As you say, trust cos. are very slow.
Frankie, I believe has to have his tonsils or adenoids out (I don't know which). He has been laid up with a cold for 3 weeks and when it clears up they plan to operate. I was at Margaret's yesterday at the tea she had for Nany's guest Marjorie Ross. Frankie looked a bit white faced, but was dressed and played about quite happily.
Teddy Price and Mary Hampson were married the same day as Jean and now have a small apartment near them in the Claridge.
Just for your own ears - I found Jean looking frightfully thin, and nervous. Poor child I think all these changes of plans have been very hard on her. To have gotten her little apartment in Toronto all furnished and then have had to give it up was a better blow. Just how long it is before John sails, goodness knows. Some say anytime but Jean hopes he'll be here a month or perhaps longer. She still seems very excitable. I wish she could have started married life under more peaceful auspices.
Here are the newspaper pictures of them. Will you please send them onto Frances at Kent Place School, Sumit, and ask her to return them to me. Johnie looks younger than your Billy!
Gertrude had on a teal blue short dress and smart hat of same shade and a little corsage of pink roses. She never looked better - so bright and cheerful. She has an awfully nice roomy house in a very good residential section. They seemed very comfortably situated. Jim looked thinner and rather serious. He was expecting Barbara on the evening train. She had been maid of honor at Mary's wedding that day. She was to spend the weekend with the Alexanders. The gray blue airman's uniform looked very well on Jim. I heard many people remark "What a fine son the Brigadier has."
Jackie (Wallace) does not look too well. He told me he was having trouble with his hip joint. Some bone has grown too large for the socket and causes pain when he exercises. So he is going slow as to hockey and football, but by resting it hopes to get in some skiing after Christmas. Mary (Williams Wallace) makes light of the trouble so don't mention it. Michael (Wallace) has had a hernia operation in Montréal, but is getting on well. Big Jack and Mary (Wallace) both looked very well. Mary was in black. Uncle Lenny (Williams) made a nice wedding speech.
Wilma Price Glassco, Miss (May) Dawson, Mrs. (Emily) Evans, and Mrs. (Johnathan) Dwight were the Tad people present. Mrs. Dwight came up and spoke to me. I would not have known her. She looks so much older (as do we all know doubt). She looked very handsome, but stern and said "you know Frank Morewood has built a house on a bit of my land that he does not yet own". Her sister (I think) Mrs. Adam was with her.
Mary sent out the boys Jim and Jack for a good hot dinner before the wedding - a wise move or she felt with so much champagne to be drunk in healths. But I did not see anyone the worse and most people only had one glass.
Elspeth took Mary, Jack, Ronald, Gertrude and me to dine at the Royal York Hotel in the evening. Great fun, lots of officers in uniform about and pretty girls in evening clothes.
The wedding presents were lovely, clocks, lamps, silver trays, Little tables of various kinds, cigarette boxes etc etc. Gert and Ronald gave her a diamond ring that had belong to Aunt Nan. Gert said her trousseau cost $300 and she did not think any other present was necessary but gave the ring so she would have something from her parents.
I have not seen her in Québec as yet - but she is lunching with the family in turn this week and next begins the more formal parties. Mrs. Harry Price is giving the brides a tea as is Mrs. Lex Smith. Arthur Smith sent Jean a lovely sterling silver rose bowl, the only thing of the kind she received.
John's aunt Mrs. Fraser is a large formidable looking lady of 60 odd who was once a great beauty. I think it gives her great satisfaction to have her nephew married to the Bishops granddaughter. She was dressed in blue sapphire velvet - long and very imposing. She was a Lennoxville girl. John's mother died and his father is also dead. His only brother has been lately injured in a football game and is recovering in a hospital.
We are thinking of a new car too. Our 1929 model is really passé. I often listen to Mr. Swing on the radio but mother finds too much radio tiring.
John (Aylan-Parker) has a car which brings him in and out of Valcartier daily. They have just a large bedroom and bath at the Claridge.
I am glad Betty Morewood (Evans) is getting off to college next year. It will give her something definite to do for a few years never mind what her life is later gives mental discipline.
Frank (Morewood) must have his work cut out for him with that ships rigging. I am glad he is got at it. It should be an interesting piece of work.
Love from Lily
1941 in England, Jim & Barbara, Mary & Ted with babies.
The babies are Michael Alexander and Greville Price!