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MORE of  Tadoussac Grandchildren

of William Rhodes and Anne Dunn

Keep going! Lots more photos, more or less in chronological order, of the 18 Grandchildren, mostly in Tadoussac. Hopefully you can recognize them now! 

1890 Frank and John Morewood, Lilybell Rhodes, Nancy Morewood, Carrie Rhodes (Morewood) and 3 babies

1890 FrankJohnLilyNancyCarrie (1).jpg

1891 Carrie Rodes (Morewood) and her mother Carrie Rhodes, Minnie (Rhodes) Morewood with Nancy and Frank, at Benmore

1890 Frank and Nancy Morewood, Jim Williams

1890 FrankNancyJimmy.jpg

1891 Jim Williams, Frank and Nancy Morewood,

Lilybell Rhodes, at Brynhyfryd

1891 JimmyFrankNancyLilybell.jpg
1891 CarrieCarrieMinnieNancyFranl.jpg

1891 John and Frank Morewood, Carrie Rhodes (Morewood) (30 years later she married Frank...)

1891 JohnFrankCarrieTent.jpg

1892 Five Women (2 on left probably "help") and six kids on the beach below Brynhyfryd, what a zoo it must have been!

1892 5Women6KidsonBeach.jpg

1892 Nancy Morewood and Jimmy Williams with Granny Anne Rhodes

1892 NancyGranJimmy.jpg

1893 Charlie Rhodes and Uncle James Rhodes (William's brother)

at Benmore


1893 Granny's 70th birthday (Col William died 2 years ago).  Its a big family, 11 grandchildren in the picture.

1893 Rhodes Family.jpg

1893 Granny's 70th birthday, same day. Kneeling in front is William Rhodes, Jr, Carrie's father. He lost his arm in an accident with a locomotive he was delivering to Mexico. Maybe he took the photo above, and Godfrey took this one?

1892 RhodesGroup.jpg

1893 CharlieRhodes, Minnie Morewood, John Morewood, Carrie Rhodes mother and Carrie daughter, not sure, Frank Morewood

          in Tadoussac at Brynhyfryd, an amazing photo

1893 CharlieMinnieJohnCarriex2_Frank.jpg

1893 Jim and Mary Williams,  Nancy, Frank and John Morewood, Carrie and 2 babies! You can see right through Brynhyfryd to the hills

1894 GranCharlieDoroNanMaryJim.jpg

Three photos probably all at Benmore, 

​​1894 GrannyCharlieDorothyNanMaryJim

1894 CharlieLilyJimmyMary?inWhite

1894 GrannyFrankJimmyCharlieMary

1894 CharlieLilyJimmyMary_inWhite.jpg
1894 GrannyFrankJimmyCharlieMary.jpg

For some reason no photos for 3 years, the next are 1897, kids are going up!


1897  Frank, John and Billy Morewood and Charlie Rhodes


1897  back Dorothy Rhodes (Evans), Nancy and Billy Morewood

front Gertrude Williams (Alexander) Mary Williams (Wallace)


1897 JohnFrankBillyCHar.jpg
1897 5 at Benmore.jpg
1898 JimmyGertrudex2+Sidneybaby.jpg

The Williams kids

1899 Jimmy 11, Gertrude 8, Mary 9, Sidney the baby




1899 Bobby Morewood, Frank Morewood, Dorothy Rhodes

1898 BobFrankDoro.jpg




Nancy, Catherine, Mary



Dorothy, Billy, Gertrude



Jimmy, Bobby, Bob Campbell


Bob Campbell was a family friend who lived opposite Benmore in Quebec

1900 8cousins onBench_Bob.jpg



maybe Nan (Rhodes) Williams,

maybe Katie (VonIffland) Rhodes,

for sure Minnie (Rhodes) Morewood



Billy Morewood

Mary Williams (Wallace)

Dorothy Rhodes (Evans)

Nancy Morewood

Bobby Morewood


Fabulous outfits, hats

2 dolls

1899 BillMaryDorNancBob+3.jpg

1899  Dorothy and Billy with Hem who was a friend of Granny's and spent a lot of time with the family

1899 Charlie, Nancy, Dorothy, Billy   (same day)

1899 DoroHemBilly.jpg
1899 CharNancyDoroBilly.jpg

1899  Nancy and Mary with their dolls

1899  Gertrude, Nancy, Dorothy

1900 GertrudeBillyDoro.jpg
1899 NancyMary.jpg
1900_ 6GirlsonSteps(Disgraces).jpg

1899  Nancy Catherine Mary

            Billy  Dorothy


1900_ 6GirlsonSteps(Disgraces)2.jpg

1902 Frank Morewood and Jim Williams 

 Gertrude and Dorothy with the horse and buggy at Benmore

1900 FrankJimmy.jpg
1900 GertDoroHorse.jpg

Nancy Morewood, Catherine Rhodes, Frank Morewood

1899 NancyCathFrankBoat.jpg
1900  8cousinsDunes.JPG.jpg

circa 1901


2 photos from the same picnic on the beach at the far end of Moulin Baude. There was a sawmill up the hill and for a while there was a dock built out of slab wood from the mill.


above back row

Frank and john Morewood, Lily and Frances with their father Francis Rhodes, Dorothy with her father Army Rhodes


Nancy, Catherine and Charlie


at right Nancy and Catherine, note the 2 others in the distance!





1899 NancyCathFrank Slabwood.jpg
1900 LennoxJimmyPoitrasCharlieJohn.jpg

A Fishing Expedition

Lennox Williams and M. Poitras

Jimmy,  Charlie and John

All they caught was 2 small fish?

1900 PoitrasJimmyCharlieJohnLennoxFish.j
1900_ GertrudeFrancesCarrie.jpg


Carrie Rhodes (Morewood) and others

below Brynhyfryd



Catherine and Nancy

1900_ Catherine&Nancy Swimming.jpg

It's a cool day on the Saguenay, on Therrien's yawl "Laura"

back   Charlie Rhodes, John Morewood, Phillippe Therrien, Jim Williams, Army Rhodes

front  Gertrude Williams, Billy Morewood, Dorothy Rhodes, Catherine Rhodes, Nancy Morewood


1902 Brynhyfryd

back  Carrie Rhodes and her mother Carrie, ?, Mr Jamison, Nancy Morewood, Hem Irvine, Bob Campbell, Lily Rhodes (Godfrey's wife)

middle Granny Anne Dunn Rhodes

front Billy Morewood, Nattalie Dodds, Dorothy Rhodes, Catherine Rhodes, Bobby Morewood

1901 6 Cousins and Adults.jpg
1902 Names on yacht.jpg

How do I know who's who? It helps when I get this, thanks to somebody for writing the date and names!

Who's in both photos?

Bobby, Billy and Nancy Morewood, and Bob Campbell!

1902 with names.jpg


back   Frank Morewood, Bob Campbell, Sidney Williams, Minnie Morewood, her kids Bobby and Billy, Katie and Army Rhodes, Nan and Lennox Williams

front Charlie Rhodes, unknown person, Nancy Morewood and Mary Williams

on Donat Therrien's yacht "Laura"     Note! 3 kids in the front row have cameras! Where are those photos?

1903 BigGrouponBoat.jpg

Charlie Rhodes, Jim Williams

1902 CharlieJimmy.jpg

Billy Morewood, Dorothy Rhodes and a friend

1902 BillyDoroFriend.jpg

1902 Godfrey Rhodes, Minnie Morewood, Dorothy Rhodes, unknown, Billy Morewood, Carrie Rhodes

Pretending to launch a norshore canoe


1902 Brynhyfryd

back  John Morewood, Granny, Katie Rhodes, Hem, Mary Williams

middle  Minnie, Nancy, Bobby Morewood, Army Rhodes

front   unknown, Gertrude, Sidney and Nan Williams, Charlie Rhodes

1903_ BigGroup.jpg

~1905  Dorothy Rhodes, Jim, Nan and Lennox Williams, Minny and Bobby Morewood, unknown, Mary Williams

front  Sidney and Gertrude Williams, Granny, Nancy Morewood


Frank, Bobby, Minnie Morewood,  at the seawall below Brynhyfryd

1903 FrankBobMin_.jpg

Lennox Williams, Dorothy Rhodes, Gertrude and Jim Williams, Bobby Morewood, Nan and Syd Williams 


~1904  Bob Campbell, MaryWilliams, CarrieRhodes, Nancy Morewood

on the street in Tadoussac

Bobby and Nancy Morewood

with Carrie Rhodes


1904 NancyMorewood and Mary Williams

1904 NancyMary.jpg

1904 Mary Bob Sid Gertrude Nancy 

Mary Williams and Harriet Ross

1908_ MaryWHarrietRoss.jpg
1904 MaryBobSidGertNancyBeach.jpg
1904 MaryBobSidGertNancyBeach.jpg

1905 BillyMorewood, ???  Carrie Rhodes, Gertrude Williams, John Morewood

1905 Billy___CarrieGertJohn.jpg

1905  Billy, Dorothy, Gertrude

1905_ BillyDoroGert__.jpg

1905 Billy, Mary, Dorothy, Minnie, Nancy

1905 Charles Jenning who is Catherine Rhodes (Tudor Hart)'s actual brother, she was adopted by Godfrey and Lily Rhodes.

Nancy Morewood and Catherine are visiting the Jennings family somewhere in the US. 

1905 MaryMinBillyNancyDoro.jpg

Nancy Morewood, HarrietRoss, BobCampbell

~1905 Nancy, Catherine, Harriet Ross

1905_ NancyHarrietRosBobCampbell.jpg
1905_ NancyCatherineHarriet.jpg

~1905    Minny Gertrude Granny Nancy

Catherine, Godfrey, Nancy

1906_ CathWhoWho__.jpg
1905_ MinGertGranNancy.jpg

Swimming in the bay!  Cool looking boats in the background

1906 BillyHarrietRoss.jpg

1905   right    Monica Rhodes and Gertrude Williams  


 below    Army Rhodes, Frank Morewood, Dorothy Rhodes, Granny Rhodes, Monica Rhodes, Mary Williams, Nancy Morewood at Brynhyfryd


~1906  Dorothy Rhodes, HarrietRoss, Billy Morewood, Lilybell Rhodes   

1906_ DorothyHarrietRossBillyLily.jpg

~1908 Monica Rhodes, Sidney and Gertrude Williams, Katie, Dorothy and Charlie Rhodes

Katie is Armitage Rhodes' second wife, Monica their daughter, Dorothy and Charlie his older children

1907 MonSidGertKatieVIDoroCharlie.jpg

1908 Sept 7 Granny Anne Rhodes' 85th at Benmore?

back Lennox Williams 49. his son Jim 20, Nancy Morewood 20, Mary Williams 18 and her mother Nan 47, Billy Morewood 17, her mother Minny 51 and brother Frank Morewood 22

front Gertrude 17 and Sidney Williams 9, Hem, Granny 85, Bobby Morewood 11, Monica Rhodes 4 and her dad Army 60, Dorothy Rhodes 16

All 6 of the Williams family, 5 Morewoods missing dad Harry and oldest son John, Army with 2 of his children but not his wife.​

1908 Gran's85thSept7Benmore_.jpg

Harriet Ross, William Rhodes, Gertrude Williams. Billy Morewood, Sidney Williams, Minny Morewood, Mary Williams

1907 HarrietMrRhodesGertBillSidMin_.jpg
1907_ LennNanDoro_Sid_Mary.jpg

Prayers on the porch at Brynhyfryd!


back Lennox and Sidney Williams


front Nan Williams, , Dorothy Rhodes, Gertrude Williams, Evelyn Meredith (Jim's future wife) Mary Williams

Mary,  Lennox, Gertrude, Dorothy

1907 Mary LennoxGertDoro.jpg
1907 Maid_NanSidDorGertEvelLenn_.jpg
1907____MaryCarrieNancy (1).jpg

left Mary Williams, Carrie Rhodes, Nancy Morewood


below Billy Morewood, Gertrude Williams, Punting

1908 BillyGertrudePunt.jpg

Dorothy Rhodes, Gertrude Williams and others, probably Jim Williams at right

1908 DoroGert____.jpg
1908 DoroGert.jpg

Dorothy Rhodes and Harriet Ross

1908 DoroHarr.jpg

Minny Morewood, Dorothy Rhodes, and Mrs Ross (Shirt's  mother, if you know who Shirt is)

1909_ MinDoroMrs Ross(Shirt'sMo).jpg

Catherine Rhodes with Monica and baby Armitage (Peter) and their grandmother Mrs Von Iffland

1909 CatherineMonicaPeterKatieVonIffland

Siblings Frank, Bobby and Nancy Morewood with Sidney Williams in the foreground, lunch on the beach!

1908-FrankSidney,Bobby,Nancy,_ Dorothy.j

1905   Monica Rhodes and Gertrude Williams  


1905 MonicaGert.jpg

Harriet Ross, Dorothy Rhodes, Catherine and her father Godfrey Rhodes, together on a trip to Europe!

The girls are all sidesaddle.

Carrie Rhodes, Dorothy Rhodes, Billy Morewood

1908_ CarrieDoroBilly.jpg
1908_ HarrietDoroCathGodfrey.jpg

l to r 1910 Dorothy (Dorsh) Rhodes (Evans) 18, Carrie Rhodes (Morewood) 29, Billy 19 and Nancy 22 Morewood

1910 CarrieDorshNancyBilly.jpg

1910 Lennox and his kids Mary, Gert and Sid Williams, on the beach, they had a great seawall! Gone now

1910 LennoxMaryGertSid.jpg

~1911 Monica, Dorothy, Katie and Peter Rhodes with Rachel Webb (Stairs) somewhere

1910_ MonicaDoroKatiePeterRachelWebb.jpg

~1914 Monica Rhodes, Nancy Morewood, Peter Rhodes, Gertrude Williams

1910_ NancyGertrude MonicaPeter.jpg

Dorothy and Gertrude and others and a couple of rowboats, somewhere on the Saguenay

1910_ DoroGertBoat.jpg

~ 1910 Rachel Webb (Stairs), Gertrude Williams (Alexander) and Dorothy Rhodes (Evans)

According to Ainslie (Evans) Stephen these 3 were at school together and this was how the Stairs family started coming to Tadoussac. More info if you have it please!

1912 Rachel Webb, Gertrude,Dorothy,schoo

~1914 The Williams family Mary, Sid, Jim, Lennox, Nan and Gertrude, with Jim's future wife Evelyn Meredith (sitting, with the tie) and cousin Bobby Morewood. The Merediths had a summer place in St Patrice (near Riviere du Loup).

Fun having a second photo taken at the same time, with the addition of an unknown lady (probably a maid) and 2 dogs!

1914   MarySidJimEvelynLenNanGertBob (1)
1914  _MarySidEvelynBobLennNanGert.jpg

1917 Nan Williams with Lilybell and her sister Gertrude Rhodes, the only photo I have of Gertrude

1917 NanLilyGertrude.jpg

1917 Nan and Lennox Williams with Lily and Frances and May in the White Boat!

1917 NanLennLilyFrancesMay_WhiteBoat.jpg

The next 15 photos are from an album put together by Sidney Williams, starting in 1917 when he was 18, and he's in many of them.


1917 MaryWSidDorothyGracePAndLadyMay.jpg

Bobby Morewood on the left, Sid on the right


below Gertrude Williams and Lilybell Rhodes

1917 CaronRoadBobJoanCoraMaurySid.jpg

The photo below was taken at Cap a Jack, a cabin 10 miles up the Saguenay belonging to Dean Lewis Evans, who is on the right.  

They would have travelled in the Evans motorboat "Minota"

1917 SidatCapaJack.jpg

1917 WillaLennSidAdeleMay?NanLilyBellStCathBay

1917 WillaLennSidAdeleMay_NanLilyBellStC


1918_ SydDoroLilyRachelGert.jpg

right ~1923 Billy Morewood, Althea, Gertrude (Williams)



Bobby and Billy Morewood, Deane, Althea, MissYoung,

Gertrude and Ron Alexander

1923 BillyAlthea_GertrudeWA.jpg
1923 _BillyDeane_Althea_MissYoung_GertRo


Carrie Rhodes and Sid, Carrie's parents William and Carrie in the back seat



Phoebe Evans (Skutezky)

and Nancy Morewood

1920_ CarrieSid+2.jpg


Saguenay boat trip on Therrien yacht



Gertrude and Ron Alexander,

Bobby Morewood



Sidney, friend, Gertrude and Lilybell

1923 GertGenRonBobbyTherrienBoatTrip.jpg
1926_ PhoebeNancy.jpg
1923 SidMalcolm_GertrudeLily.jpg

~1924 Katie Rhodes, Lilybell and Frances Rhodes, and Katie's daughter Armitage/Peter


~1926 Frances Rhodes, Billy Morewood, Jack, Nan and their mother Mary (Williams) Wallace

1926 FrancesBillyJack&NanWMaryWW.jpg

~1926  the guys are Lex Smith (Guy's brother) Bobby Morewood and Sidney Williams

    the girls are Althea, Ruth, and friend

1925_ LexAltheaBobbyRuth!Sid.jpg


~1930 Dr McLean (who sold Tivoli to Dewarts), Erie Languedoc (mother of Adele, cousin of Russells, Stevensons) and Frank Morewood



1932 Totie (Le Moine) Rhodes,Frances and Lilybell, Monica Rhodes

1932 Totie,Frances,Lily,Monica.jpg
1930_ DrMcLean(SoldTivolitoDewarts)ErieL

~1935  on the porch of Brynhyfryd

back row     Jean and Jim Alexander, Sidney Williams, Gertrude and Ron Alexander, Percy Tudor-Hart, Jack Wallace

front row     Mary and Michael Wallace, Catherine Tudor-Hart, Lennox and Nan Williams

1934 Bryn-Family.jpg

Brynhyfryd again, a year later?   1936?   Perhaps the entire Williams Family?

back row    Jack Wallace, Jim and Ron Alexander, Jack Wallace

middle row   Mary Wallace, Nan Williams, Jean Alexander, Nan Wallace (Leggat), Enid (Price) Williams, Lennox Williams, Gertrude Alaxander

front row         Jim, Sid and Susan Williams (Webster), probably Ronnie Alexander, Joan Williams (Ballantyne), Michael Wallace




back   not sure, Lilybell Rhodes, Jean Alexander (Aylan-Parker)

front   Ainslie Evans (Stephen), Betty Morewood (Evans). Phoebe Evans (Skutezky) teenagers!


1938 AinslieBetPhoeb_LilyJean.jpg

~1936 with some Prices

back  unknown, Frank Morewood, Jim & Gertrude Alexander, unknown, Sidney Williams


middle Nan Williams, Henry and ? Price, Lennox Williams, Enid (Price) Williams with Susan


front    Nan Wallace, Joan Williams, Mary Wallace, and probably Ronnie Alexander

1943 Brynhyfryd Photos taken with different cameras!

l to r  Jack Wallace, Billy Morewood, Ronnie Alexander, Mary Wallace, Sheila Williams (Campbell). The two kids behind Lennox Williams are war refugees, Simon Wallace and Sylvia Dixon, not related. Joan Williams (Ballantyne), Enid and Sidney Williams, holding a camera.


Below Susan Williams (Webster) has joined the photo on the left, so she probably took the first photo, she has a camera! Ronnie looks  a bit less unhappy, and Jack has switched sides, Sid has gone to take the picture. Lennox has put on his hat for the sun.


1938 RhodesGroup.jpg
1942 Williams Group.jpg
1942 BillyMary and kids.jpg

~1945  Phoebe Evans (Skutezky), Dorsh (Rhodes) Evans, Ainslie Evans (Stephen) at the cottage in Tadoussac.

1945 DorshPhoAin.jpg

Billy, Monica, Lily

1949 BillyMonLily.jpg

~1950   Sidney Williams (2nd from left) with the Morewood Family, Margaret, Bobby, Harry and Frank.

1950_ MorewoodFamily&Sid.jpg

~1955  Billy Morewood, Anne Hargreaves (Cumyn), Frances Rhodes, and Anne's mother Armitage/Peter (Rhodes) Hargreaves


~1951   Gertrude Rhodes (Williams), Lilybell Rhodes, Jean (Alexander) and John Aylan-Parker, Joan Williams (Ballantyne), Nan (Wallace) Leggat, her mother  Mary (Williams) Wallace and grandfather Lennox Williams

1951_ GertrudeLilyJeanJohnJoanNanMaryLen
1957 CarrieBillykids.jpg

Circa 1957

Our Aunt Bill was always cracking jokes, that's me Tom Evans and brother Alan, sister Anne, Granny Carrie on the Bonne Chance. Anne's friend Jane Kirkpatrick in the lower photo.

~1960 we have colour!

 Nora Ellwood, Mary and Lennox, Lilybell, Jean, son Ted and Mike Wallace on the wharf in Tadoussac. Leaving on the boat?

1957 TomAlBillyCarrie.jpg
1960_ NoraEllwoodMaryLenLilyJeanTedMikeW

1961 My Granny Carrie (Rhodes)  Morewood 80th Birthday party. Only 3 of the Rhodes grandchildren are there but familiar faces from the 1960's. That's me Tom Evans and my brother Alan giving her a birthday card before the party!​​​


Grace Scott, Dorsh (Rhodes) Evans, Carrie (Rhodes) Morewood, Sidney Williams


right Jack Molson and Sidney Williams

1961 GrannyBday1.jpg
1961 GrannyBday2.jpg
1961 SydJackM.jpg

Enid (Price) Williams, Mrs Turcot (background), Doris Molson, Rachel (Webb) Stairs, Carrie (Rhodes) Morewood

1961 GrannyBday2 (1).jpg

Phoebe (Evans) Skutezky, Betty (Morewood) Evans, Ainslie (Evans) Stephen, and my parents Betty and Lewis Evans

1961 GrannyBday4.jpg
1961 GrannyBday3.jpg

A nippy day on the Saguenay on the Bonne Chance!


Miss Maloney (from BCS) with Carrie (Rhodes) Morewood and Billy Morewood


1965 Bonne Chance2.jpg
1965 CarrieBillyBoat.jpg

Cousins getting together in a favourite spot!

Dorothy (Dorsh) (Rhodes) Evans, Billy Morewood, and Carrie (Rhodes) Morewood

1965 DorshBillyCarrie (1).jpg

Well done you made it to the end!!

Remember that this was all about the 18 RHODES GRANDCHILDREN? 

Of course they are all gone now, here's the list in order of DOD. 


Jimmy Williams                                 1888-1916     28

Gertrude Rhodes                                1896-1926     30

John Morewood                                 1884-1944     60

Frank Morewood                                1886-1949     63

Nancy Morewood                               1888-1946      58

Charley Rhodes                                  1890-?

Gertrude Williams Alexander             1891-?​

Bobby Morewood                               1897-1964     67

Armitage (Peter) Rhodes Hargreaves 1909-1969     60

Catherine Rhodes                               1888-1972     84

Carrie Rhodes Morewood                   1881-1972     91

Sidney Williams                                 1899-1972     73

Lily Bell Rhodes                                1889-1975     86

Frances Rhodes                                  1892-1976     84

Isobel (Billy) Morewood                   1891-1977     86

Dorothy Rhodes Evans                     1892-1977     85

Monica Rhodes                                 1904-1985     81

Mary Williams Wallace                    1890-1989     99





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